Ring in the New Year!

It has been a while since we’ve posted our writing. Many of these kindergarteners are starting to write sentences! Today we did journals after our forest time.

Today was also the kickoff to the WinterKids Winter Games that our school is a part of this year. What a way to start with 28 kindergarteners in the woods on a 20 degree day! Beautiful and sunny though.


Hunter: “We slapped the trees.” He added details with the words “stick” and “the leaf on the ground.” He and Silas used sticks to break the smaller dead branches off of trees.


Kenzie needs paper with more lines, because you can see her sentence going up the side! “We were going to the wetland and we found treasure!” The treasure was ice chunks. You can see that she colored it yellow and labeled it with a post-it.


Cameron: “I slid on the slide.” He wrote “sand” to explain all his brown. There was snow in the woods, but also lots of sand.


Finn: “My friend Jacob” “the hill” “grass” “people playing a lot of the game” (continues on the back). Finn still has to finish his color, but what a lot of labels and words!


I bet most adults can read Eleanor’s without translation!


Leah: “I played outside with Eleanor and Kenzie. We played family.”


Elijah: “Ms. Atkins gave me hand and foot warmers.” The writing near the blue person (Ms. Atkins) says “gave them me.”


Hunter led the way in bringing this 20 ft stick up from the ravine for firewood.


Sweet success!!!


Mrs. Johnson’s class was out with us today. While half of the kindergarteners ate lunch, the other half went on an adventure down into the wetland. We found great climbing trees.


And broke through layers of ice.


Brynn, Brooklyn, and Tevis are skilled climbers!


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